v 13.0.0
What's New ?
New Units
- New Length Units
- New Area Units
Pro Area Utilities
- Area calculation of various Geometric Shapes and
- Addition/Subtraction of area of various Geometric Shapes
New 'Calculator' Feature
- Calculator History and related settings
New 'Plotter' Features
- Display North Pointer in Plotter
- North Pointer Setup (from Plotter Menu)
- Hide Diagonal(s) in the plot (when present/possible, from Plotter Menu)
- Show Real Angle between 2 lines in the plot (when possible, from Plotter Menu)
- Ability to show Length System being used (in the plotter screen, from Plotter Menu)
- Ability to show Length Label along the line (in the plotter screen, enabled from settings)
- Ability to enter length as you draw (enabled from settings)
- Different Start and End Indicator (for points in the plotter screen)
- Different Line Style for diagonal(s) (in the plotter screen)
- Plot Image saved with additional details
- Tip/Note on Total Length Calculation (while entering length of line(s) in the plot, enabled from settings)
New 'Geo-Plotter' Features
- Ability to show Length System being used (in the geo-plotter screen, from geo-plotter menu)
- Ability to show Length Label along the line (in the geo-plotter screen, enabled from settings)
- Ability to show a Line in the Map as Real Line(shortest) (from geo-plotter menu)
- Ability to show a fullscreen Map
- Different Start and End Indicator (for points in the geo-plotter plot)
- Plot Image saved with additional details
New 'Walk & Measure' Feature
- Ability to show a fullscreen Map
- Plot Image saved with additional details
New 'My Plots' Features
- Search saved plot(s) (by Month/Year when plot was saved or Plot Name)
- Can mark plot(s) as favorite
- Can see favorite plot(s) only
- See more details on plot(s)
- Export the saved plot to a file and share with others
- Import a plot to the app (using App recognized plot file)
- Informative list item in UI
'Market Place'
- Resumed Market Place Feature
- Ability to submit a new market-plot in the Market Place
- Search market-plot(s) by 'Kitta No' or Address
- Additional Advanced Search Filters (Max Distance, Min/Max Area, Max Price)
- Configurable Market Place list-item
- Only show market-plot(s) that you've submitted
- Ability to scan barcode found in the market-plot image (to get details about the market-plot)
- Ability to see more details about the market-plot
- Ability to see availability information about the market-plot
- Ability to see the market-plot Seller Contact details (if configured by the Seller)
- Ability to hide a plot from Market Place
- Resumed Blueprint Feature
- Search blueprint(s) (by Blueprint Name or Address)
- Ability to submit a new Blueprint (for review by M&S Developers Team and publishing it for other users of the App)
- Ability to show Length System being used (in the Blueprint screen, from Blueprint menu)
- Ability to show Length Label along the line (in the Blueprint screen, enabled from settings)
- Show Real Angle between 2 lines in the plot (when possible, from Blueprint Menu)
- Different Start and End Indicator (for points in the Blueprint screen)
- Can mark Blueprint(s) as favorite
- Can see favorite Blueprint(s) only
- Only show Blueprint(s) that you've submitted (and not reviewed/approved by M&S Developers Team)
- See more details on Blueprint(s)
- Plot Image saved with additional details
'Bhumi Sushasan'
- Various Informative Sections (Information sourced from MOLCPA Nepal website & others)
- About Us
- Profiles
- Offices
- Programs
- Services
- Application Forms
- Publications
- Dictionary
- Office Location
- News
'NaaPI Store'
- Check your various subscriptions' status
- Purchase various available In-App items/subscriptions
- New Calendar UI Settings for weekend days
- New Calculator history entries count settings
- New Settings for entering length as you draw in Plotter
- New App Theme Settings
- Color/Size/Font Size Customization for Plotter
- Color/Size/Font Size Customization for Geo-Plotter/Walk & Measure
- Color/Size/Font Size Customization for Blueprint
- New Settings for displaying line label along the line (in Plotter/Geo-Plotter/Blueprint)
- App Permission Management
- App Home Screen customization settings
- New Settings for showing/hiding Tip/Note
- Reset Settings to Default
- Updated Calendar UI
- Granular User Info Privacy Control
- Bug Fixes & Performance Improvements
v 11.0.0
What's New ?
- Bug Fixes & Performance Improvements
If you have found any issues and willing to provide us feedback and suggestion please send to us at msdevelopers.7@gmail.com.
Your feedback and suggestion will definitely help us to make it better and more useful.
Developed By
2016 - 2025